Cosmetic Surgery
General Hygienist Cosmetic Implants


Crowns are used to restore both anterior and posterior teeth that have been broken or are at high risk of doing so due to oversized fillings or fractures. There are a variety of materials available to construct these, either porcelain bonded to metal or all ceramic.


Bridges are fixed or non-removable prosthesis constructed to replace one or more missing teeth. Either one or both teeth adjacent to the space are used to anchor the bridge to restore function as well as aesthetics. Like crowns, bridges can be made of porcelain bonded to metal or all ceramic. Because there is interference with the adjacent teeth, more and more people are opting for Dental Implants as an alternative to sacrificing sometimes healthy teeth.


Porcelain laminate veneers are literally a shell covering placed over the front surface of the teeth to enhance or correct their appearance. Whether to close spaces, increase size, change colour or straighten teeth, veneers are the most conservative way of bringing about a dramatic change to the appearance of your teeth.


Composite resin bonding is used to repair fractures, change shape, close spaces as well as laminate (or cover) teeth to enhance their appearance in a much simpler way to veneers. These procedures are completed in one appointment with little or no discomfort.


Bleaching teeth can be one of the easiest yet most gratifying procedures we perform. The bleaching procedure involves having a custom made tray fabricated to cover the surfaces of the teeth. The tray is worn at night filled with a special bleaching agent for 10-14 nights. The results are impressive and cause little or no irritation to the teeth. The lightening effect lasts several months and can be topped up when needed by repeating the procedure for 2-3 nights. Click here for more information about dental whitening.


Dentures whether full or partial are a removable solution for replacement of multiple or completely missing teeth. This is the treatment of choice if there are insufficient teeth to support a bridge. Again Dental Implants are becoming the alternative solution to dentures. If dentures are the only solution then there is no need to have teeth that look false. With careful planning and thought even full dentures can be made to look natural.